I just had an ~2 hour phone call with a relative of Amy I found through Facebook, verified with childhood pictures, and damn. That's got to be one of my longer calls I've ever had since I hate talking on the phone, but it was worth it because I did learn some things. All I can say, so Amy can't connect the dots, is I didn't realize the extent of crazy I'm dealing with, and they recommended I "definitely get the police involved," so I went through with it. Y'all stay blessed, things are getting spicy LMAO 😂

The Goofy tried texting me last night 🤡🤣




She sent the same texts to my mom when I wouldn't respond, because she assumed she's blocked 🤡. Then she kept going:

Amy Makepeace's Lies

What happened? Well first let me blow off some steam...

In my professional opinion, Amy is a hotheaded control-freak who is, and I quote from the horse's mouth "faking it 'til she makes it."

 "scamming, pfft. I was helping that kid and I payed him in full!" I believe she'll cry, lying to her whole 3 facebook pages, lmao.

No one's viewing my site you say

Well that's easily disproved!

It's actually steady going up day by day now, and I'm very proud of that fact! Not enough for an investigation, but enough for 2 or 3 people that repeatedly keep coming back to check on it, LOL. 

Hey Lady, my viewership is up 62%! Impressions by 200%? Is everything a lie?

Have your own horror stories with Amy?


 Anonymously report your grievances with me (goes through protected email forwarding host, your data is encrypted and protected), I would love to hear some stories and have a healthy laugh.

Here's that "Proud Face" I displayed to you all for a month and a half prior. 

I wrote a haiku about Amy, so you too can be warned. It reads,

 "Amy, like a storm,

 Silently brews, then explodes,

 Peace disrupted, gone."


Me and my girlfriend celebrating Memorial Day night and honoring our fallen soldiers, a day before all hell would break loose again and a demon would be release in the form of an ex-associate.

Hello, people who are probably shocked the website is down and are very confused. My name is Gabriel, and I am the developer of this website and owner of this domain. I purchased the domain, not as assurance in case something like this happened, but because I was requested to find the best registrar and "just handle it" "because you're the web guy," though now I'm glad I did.


True story? We agreed $700 initial setup for a functioning website + $100 monthly for any future updates like added features (infrequent) or added clients (constant), but I don't cover any fees that come with website/feature setup out of pocket , payment due by the end of April (she apparently had a signage show with a few people booked then).

It costs $10.37/year for a .com domain registration with porkbun as the domain registrar, and $24/year per email address if you want an email address set up. After initially setting up the site (post sample, an actual functioning site with bells and whistles) for her, she kept asking for more, which is fine... up until the point it's May 6th and I still haven't been payed.

 I only ever got $135.37 initially for the website, + $72 to set up the emails, which I won't pay out of pocket, as to the terms of our agreement (which I post-poned only up until Amy could finally figure out how to enable a hosted email in her app, as there'd be no point in paying for something you can't use (took literally 2 weeks)). 

Then, come the 6th of May I get more correspondence from Amy, and I ask about the set-up fees, to which she says "give me until May 16th with our upcoming signage show" and proceeds to ask me to add another person to her site. Obviously, I need to be payed so I was holding out until the 26th at the latest (a week after the show, for her to collect money from each of her artists).

 I got another call yesterday with her screaming at me saying apparently I've been ducking and dodging calls and she can't get ahold of me, and won't even let me speak my peace. I said "I won't touch your site until I've been payed, this is ridiculous, we're halfway through the next month and I still haven't been payed" and she went off on a demon tangent from hell, started wailing into her phone until it abruptly ended as she hung up.

 I told her I'm taking the site down and I'm willing to sell it back, same deal with the domain itself, to which she offered me a measly $400, on the terms that I send "the rest of her money back" (the $207.37, $125 mine and $82.37 already spent on setup).

Forget what I thought was before, THAT'S ridiculous.

 I just graduated GED school and don't have a real job besides delivery, she knew this when she hired me (in fact I was still in school)... I need my money.

Have a good day everyone, and remember that I don't wish any harm upon anyone despite what you may hear.

New Developments!

Legal Threats, loads of legal threats! Don't worry, I'm not.

Since I wouldn't take any phone calls once the drama developed, there's nothing to explain and you can read it for yourself.

LOVE this bit! "it was a sample... You are the STUPIDEST person I have ever heard of"  Why, if it isn't the pot calling the kettle black? If it's a sample, Amy, why would you need my login? But also, it wasn't, it was a final product that had the payment date graciously pushed back.


Further, FURTHER Developments. Does Amy have a life?

What I received while working on a website for a client today, interrupting my work flow:

Oh my! And the story changes... again. Now it IS your domain? Okay, what's the domain registar login than, if you REALLY have it? Oh wait, I have 3 factor authentication and haven't gotten any emails or pop-ups on my authenticator app, nothing, not even a request or random sign-in attempt. Oh and you can't lie about this one and "the FBI already has it" because... it's local to my device... so unless the "FBI" snuck into my house (which they can't legally do, you simpleton) and stole my phone while I was asleep,

 you're telling more lies.

Momma raised me too smart to be taken advantage of by the likes of you.

How many "that's all they needed" does this lady need before she realizes she's getting no legal swing?

^ That's consent ^

She first messaged me at 5:13 pm yesterday, and I had her rage-quitting from our conversation by 5:27pm, so you can see she tried to make me upset and when it wouldn't work... immediately went to start shit with Steve, and when she realized he blocked her... she screenshots it all and sends it to my mom and continues to text, insult, threaten and harass her.

What my mother received on her way home from work today:

Oh my! I'm actually pissing myself...

 laughing rotfl. 

It's clearly HER messaging TMZ, not them messaging her. And may I ask, once again, why publicize yourself being an absolute clown? You tried to scam, and got outsmarted by, a 20 year old student and now you're quadrupling down. Everyone saw you say that you "had another web company building your site." So...?

Also, this presumable eugenicist just brought race into it for literally what reason? I personally believe she's definitely a closeted racist or at the very least an unaware bigot. Why does it have to be a "big black cock." Are black ones supposed to be scarier than a white one? You ask me, no offense to people who enjoy that, but I'm not taking either.

 I also find it funny that she can't keep the same perspective in her text, one moment she refers to Steve in the third person and then in the first... it's like she really took her time with that and rewrote it multiple times thinking that was the BEST insult. It was a bad insult towards Steve and it showed your closeted racism. Check yourself and get some help, do some deep self-reflection.

10 minute phone call (if that) with the DA...? huh? what the stupid? Guess they told you the same thing as the cops, can't help you.

 Womp Womp

Also, thanks for even more proof that there's no case. You see, civil cases are overseen by a magistrate, STATE criminal cases by District Attorneys, FEDERAL cases by U.S. Attorneys. You said I was getting charged federally, so wouldn't that be a UNITED STATES ATTORNEY? Ms. "I have an IQ that's off the charts." Maybe if you were swinging for the lows, than by all means, take your #1 award.

Also, "my computer is being monitored" uhh... I can flat out tell you it's not. LMAO. I hope you know, I know my system is clean and rat free. Keep spinning your lies and hoping I (or anyone else) will believe ANY of them.

Also, why would/should anyone, let alone I, have your nudes? Do you solicit yourself that frequently that you believe everyone has them? Or did you think that's what I meant when I said I'd photoshop you..? Why would anyone want to see you naked? How disgusting are you, that that's where your mind goes to when someone says "photoshop." You're despicable.

Who is your "cousin chris." I only found Jennifer, Anne, Lisa, Sarah, and Laura on a basic google search. Is this some failing "my uncle vinny" scare tactic? And what's Chris gonna do? Do you genuinely believe anyone would risk something criminal and possibly sacrifice their own freedom... for YOUR sake? I'm crying laughing.

Finally, "lil," how young and hip of you.

I work assiduously, you work to be a pain in my ass.

Just in case Cousin Clive or whatever the hick it is, is real; I'm absolutely, definitely NOT suicidal in the slightest. I'm ALWAYS happy as heck to be me, and me is alive 😜. 

This is where she got disrespectful towards my mother. My mom lost her left eye in an accident when she was 3 years old. What type of fully grown, yet amazingly childish, person makes fun of someone for something like that?

 You being a pig of gargantuan stature with 80 inch, ground-dragging, acid-resistant nipples and a set of overgrown, gangling horns that would make a babirusa want to start growing them out is your own issue. You can't exercise an eye back, you disrespectful SOW.

 Make fun of me all you want, I don't care. Make fun of Steve, my step-father who raised me right when my biological deadbeat wouldn't, I can let it go if he says you're not worth it. But going after my mom? Screw anyone that says I'm going too far, I'm not going far enough in my eyes, especially when my mom has nothing to do with Amy's issue with me. I'm a grown man, if you can't find anything to make fun of me for, maybe there's a reason for that and you should do some self-reflection. 

You're going to the "FBI." I'm going to do a campaign on Tiktok, showing everyone MY website and all of our text exchanges, with me vocally explaining everything.

 I want to make sure EVERYONE knows exactly who you really are, ensuring NO ONE ever signs with you again. Imagine how anyone your age, with a dead mother, would feel about your insult. Feel VERY lucky mine's alive and remember next time to bite your tongue around a Harvey.

 I guess I'm your publicist now, welcome to the spotlight.

Once again, I'm not suicidal... but I do expect someone to be very upset with what I've had to say tonight. Don't worry everyone, SC is a castle doctrine state WITH stand your ground laws, which if you know your laws... damn that's some good home defense.

This hag can't even remember her little comrade's name. It's Jeff East, not Jeff "eenie-meenie-mineie-moe." Maybe quit smoking on broken windows and your memory will come back, or is he not "A-List" enough for you to address him properly? Keep treating your clients like that and they'll all despise you.

Please, enlighten me. What charge is it?

Where is your number in the website? It wasn't posted on my updated version? Rhetorical, either way that's public information. If you check my website by code, your number isn't listed once. It's your own fault that your number happens to be in those screenshots, it's on them now because you had continued to harass me. You don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy when harassing me and it's not a requirement of my due diligence to remove your number from each photo, that's a you problem. The only thing I'm required to do, is avoid telling anyone to do anything bad to you. ANYONE can have your number and address with a public records request, welcome to 2024, and anyone can pay for it from any one of hundreds of public record websites like "truth-finder." Which I just realized is also a website... is their entire company illegal..?!?! Nope, just that someone's ignorant.

I know the laws and rights that I need to know to live in the land of the free. Doxxing is based on intent and extent, the exact same as a threat. Now, let me explain. If someone said "here's their number, spam call, text, sign them up for this and that, harass them" that's illegal. I never did that because I don't have any intent of causing more drama, unlike you. I want you to leave me and my family alone while suffering the embarrassment for the little fast-one you tried to pull on me as well as for the continued threats, lies, doubling down, and harassment.

Once again, I'm not suicidal... but I do expect someone to be very upset with what I've had to say tonight. Don't worry everyone, SC is a castle doctrine state WITH stand your ground laws, which if you know your laws... damn that's some good home defense.

How does that prove anything to anyone besides you and your pea-brain? He linked to the website because you're harassing me, and I'm his stepson. You two already having issues had nothing to do with me, but you wanted it to be so, and so you made it as such by continuing to harass all of us for something that didn't involve them. They support me and I support them, why in the world would I have your back in scamming me? Do you think I'm some ignorant kid you could easily take advantage of? You're really that fat of a scum bag to try something like that?

Once again, I'm not suicidal... but I do expect someone to be very upset with what I've had to say tonight. Don't worry everyone, SC is a castle doctrine state WITH stand your ground laws, which if you know your laws... damn that's some good home defense.

I don't care if my mom wants to "hide" it, I'm airing everything out. You're a weasel who was befriending and talking with my mom about personal relationship issues, and not even current ones. The two of them were discussing Steve and my mom's troubled history, which is no secret.

 The fact of the matter is, my mom and stepdad love each other clear as day and talk through their issues, I haven't seen or heard them having a senseless argument in a long time, except for where your name is involved.

 You see, I'm not dumb. I know you're taking things my mom said to you in confidence, personal things she told you to help you with your own relationship issues with your "horribly slow" boyfriend, and using them as ammunition. Things that were an issue for my mom and stepdad in the past that they already got through. Now that you're mad at me, you're trying to pick at healed scabs just so you can bring up old drama to my stepdad and mom in an attempt to drive a wedge between them, because you're the lowest of the low. So low in fact, it'd be disrespectful to the mouths of all my ancestors if I were to bless you by spitting on that dog ass face you try to hide.

No one's scared. No one wants to deal with your annoyances when we're still on the up-and-up with our lives. Maybe we'll have as much time to respond as you do when we're declining, probably not though since all one of us are smart enough to recognize a dud such as yourself and move on, actually doing something with ourselves.

 "One eyed Willy."

Goofy, don't be insulting people when your body is built like the aftermath of Baymax and Pumbaa's miscarriage.

Actually do it this time, come on.

 Photoshopping someone isn't illegal you dunce. Especially not with consent, like you gave me, "he can post naked picture of me if he likes. I DONT CARE." You sure your brain isn't starting some form of pre-decomposition? Now it would be illegal, if I were using it to sell a service or a product. Do you think or research at all before you go talkin' out of your neck? At worst, I'm infringing the copyright of the original photographer. You have my address. 

Serve me that cease and desist if you want it gone.

Certified brain damage. Did you mean to say Bureau? That wasn't the same as saying "U" instead of "you," which I already think is dumb enough. You actually thought it was spelled BURO. I know my mom's proud I'm not a punk, a pushover or an ignorant fool like you

Certified mother of the year, and floating past the lazy competition with sore feet for 20+ years. My mom is a hard worker, innovator, leader, mother of 4 (being single while raising 2 of those kids). You can never say anything bad about my mom and have it mean ANYTHING compared to her accomplishments, like water on a duck's back.

You however, it's easy to live in your head rent free, you're a dunce and a failure.

 Didn't you say your son's living coastal in Hawaii, making excess of $140,000 a year? Yeah, I actually listen to people and their lives, because I cared. Where's the support for his old struggling momma? Not only have I been scammed by you and your bad life management, I've heard the other stories from your own clients (which a good handful of rallied me to take down your clients page, by the way) you've negatively effected with your lack of a fuck, Amy. EVERYONE knows you're broke and broken. So, it's between one of two options, he's a failure like his mother or he made something of himself by disassociating from you. There's a reason your boyfriend hasn't locked you down yet, you're the "old comfy ball and chain" baby-maker/girlfriend, not the "push you to be your best, even if you hate me for it," loving mother and wife. 

Don't speak on my mother again, or I will get more public. You don't understand the internet, I do.

So at the end of the day, if I supposedly scammed you (which I never did), your plan is to be a homewrecker, threaten felony charges, sodomy and harassing us on the daily? Get a life you reptilian. What type of person gets so much joy from causing as much havoc as possible? EVEN IF I HAD SCAMMED YOU, THIS IS TOO MUCH. But the fact you tried to extort ME, and now you're going this crazy with threats and harassment because I won't allow myself to be scammed is absolutely mind boggling.

I will be going to the police on this matter now.

 This "woman" is a prime example of the demons in human form that are described across all religions and versions of the bible. If I show her a Crucifix or a Star of David, she might just split open and reveal her forked tongue.

This is an attempt from the devil, as hate begets hate. But instead, I use the knowledge I've acquired and try my best to resist the temptations to lash out.

Once again, I'm not suicidal... but I do expect someone to be very upset with what I've had to say tonight. Don't worry everyone, SC is a castle doctrine state WITH stand your ground laws, which if you know your laws... damn that's some good home defense.

Her Comrades

Amy has been crusading her followers to "gather evidence" against me and my family.

 To keep it short, the main two, besides Amy, perpetrating this are Eddie Deezen and Jeff East.

 The way I see it, two old movie stars who are clinging to Amy hoping she'll be their last leg in the industry.

Why get yourself involved in other people's bickerings? That's for the cops to do. And if even the cops are saying it's not worth an investigation, maybe you should call it off too.

Absolute Losers.

The two of you put together must have the combined IQ of Amy herself.

Eddie Deezen

To Eddie, I never wronged you once. Yet still, you passive-aggressively take a round-about shot at me on Facebook, in support of Amy

"If you have been scammed/wronged by Steve Joiner or his family."

 What does that mean? And then you link to Amy's little "list of witnesses" against me.

  And witnesses to what? A completed website?

Maybe better for you to stay out of the limelight before you wind up on TMZ again. 😬

Jeff East

  ^                        ^

  /|\ CLICK ME! /|\

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To Jeff, You're the same sleeze-bag that had my family move out to Kansas City from California to rent out a beautiful house you owned. Then we show up and, sure the appliances were upgraded as you said... but it makes no difference when the house itself is a devastated, disheveled, decrepit, old pig sty littered with broken glass, sunken floorboards and wood-chips. I slept in an office chair until we found a place in Michigan, thanks for that.